
This series began when I decided to enter a group show an association I belong to was mounting. The specifications for entering work were that the piece incorporate textiles and not exceed 12” x 12”. There was a commercial board available that met the specs and everyone used it to mount their work.

I decided to work directly onto the board and to confront an obstacle, a word, a label, which had been dogging me for years, hovering over me to the point of stopping me from exploring a new idea or technique even before making a single mark.

The word was “decorative”. To be decorative was to be the opposite of serious and edgy. If your work was decorative it was easily dismissed and not taken seriously. Working with seductive materials was a sure-fire path to decorative so, for years, I didn’t let myself play with many textures, materials, and objects I loved. Paper, parchment, shellac, threads, linen, silk, ripped edges, industrial tape …. So many beautiful scraps and treasures just sat.

This project freed me and I let go of judgment, let go of that nagging voice, and just let myself work with anything I loved. I let myself try every combination of materials, and play with any techniques, that crossed my mind. I ended up having such a positive experience I went on to create over six pieces and have another dozen pieces planned.

Each collage is eleven and a half inches square; thirteen square inches framed.

Mixed Media: Fabric, thread, tape, paint, polymer. Prices upon request.